
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10550 From: cnc_machines Date: 11/25/2014
Subject: Homing Error

I am having trouble getting one of my axis to home. When it is jogging in the positive direction it seems to work just fine. The problem starts when I try to reverse the homing direction (make the 1000 negative. I am also not able to change the direction that the axis moves after homing. It will only move in a positive direction - if I make the 100.0 value negative it wont work.

When I attempt to do this and download/compile the program the feed hold triangle starts flashing. The strange thing is on my other two axis I am able to change both of these directions simply by making them negative. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

    // Home Z up first - jog until it sees the limit

    Jog(2,1000);             // jog slowly positive
    while (!ReadBit(42)) ;  // loop until IO bit goes high
    Jog(2,0);                // stop
    while (!CheckDone(2)) ; // loop until motion completes
    DisableAxis(2);            // disable the axis
    Zero(2);                // Zero the position
    EnableAxis(2);            // re-enable the ServoTick
    Move(2,100.0);        // move some amount inside the limits
    while (!CheckDone(2)) ; // loop until motion completes
    ch2->LimitSwitchOptions = SaveZLimits;  // restore limit settings



Group: DynoMotion Message: 10552 From: cnc_machines Date: 11/25/2014
Subject: Re: Homing Error
I am having another error which may be related to this. When I am in KmotionCNC and try to jog any of my axises, immediately after the movement there is a feed hold. I have to reset the feed hold before I can jog anything else.

Could this be related?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10554 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 11/25/2014
Subject: Re: Homing Error [1 Attachment]
Hi Scott,

Sounds like you might have Limits or Soft Limits enabled for that Axis in a way that is being triggered.  What is your configuration?

Is there a message on the Console?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10556 From: cnc_machines Date: 11/25/2014
Subject: Re: Homing Error [1 Attachment]
Thanks Tom!

Somehow the negative sign got deleted off of my soft limit. Put it back on and it works great now!
